Friday, April 5, 2013

The "Flight"

A flight towards change, a flight towards the unknown,

With the feeling of faith in heart, that gives the courage take the leap, to spread the wings,

Now all that needs to be done is to let go,

To let go and to free one oneself of all that which is holding back.

To remember the past, But to be brave enough to leave it behind,

For the endless new opportunities that awaits,

For a phase in life that has been calling since a long time,

To leap forward and pursue the purpose that has lead to our existence on earth in the first place.

The moment arrives,

To free one from clutches of the endless conditions bestowed upon us by the society.

Spreading the wings, breaking free and walking the path of one’s choice,

Without the worry of it being right or wrong, good or bad,

But with a assurance that, this flight would bring a change

And sometimes it is just a “ flight” that is needed.

- Divya Ramani

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