Sunday, March 6, 2011


As seasons change so do people’s life.
Every season brings with it its own essences and magic,
The flower leaves behind its fragrance even when it’s gone,
The memories of people about the seasons last in their mind,
And so does the memories of people we love no maters were they are.
Every phase in life brings with it new colors that one must take in
Every phase with it brings new changes that one must accept.
People come and go, but for the precious few we always hold on,
Memories build up days after days, months after months,
Some are forgotten, some we let go....but there are a few that live with us and even beyond us in the minds of those whose heart we have touched.
Let us live in each season as it comes with joy
 Let us feel its magic and essences in our heart and soul
And touch as many hearts as we can before it is time to bid goodbye.
-Divya Ramani

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