Sunday, April 7, 2013

Speech by Marriage

Well folks ‘Marriage’ is in the house and he wants to say something,

Marriage says "well folks you hate me you love me, but you know what you can’t ignore me". 

I was a part of your Childhood dream,

Imagination of the how one’s partner would be,

List made, and sometimes there are conditions applied!!

Sometimes the dreams are shattered, sometimes the reality is far better than the dreams one had

I ‘Marriage’ of the all thing in your life, I am indeed the biggest gamble
Some win the lottery; some get the best deal that they could, while others lose

No matter how it turns out to be,
It all starts off really well in the dream.

Nonetheless the reasons for getting married are numerous

To each his own, is what i ‘Marriage’ would say,

One can’t really stop talking about me
It is the topic of discussion, in one way or other
Who? What? How? When?

Let’s just say whether it is today or tomorrow, Day or Night
 I ‘Marriage’ would continue to live forever and ever.
So Thank you all , and may i 'Marriage' say  that i love you, irrespective of how you all feel about me .

- Divya Ramani

Friday, April 5, 2013

The "Flight"

A flight towards change, a flight towards the unknown,

With the feeling of faith in heart, that gives the courage take the leap, to spread the wings,

Now all that needs to be done is to let go,

To let go and to free one oneself of all that which is holding back.

To remember the past, But to be brave enough to leave it behind,

For the endless new opportunities that awaits,

For a phase in life that has been calling since a long time,

To leap forward and pursue the purpose that has lead to our existence on earth in the first place.

The moment arrives,

To free one from clutches of the endless conditions bestowed upon us by the society.

Spreading the wings, breaking free and walking the path of one’s choice,

Without the worry of it being right or wrong, good or bad,

But with a assurance that, this flight would bring a change

And sometimes it is just a “ flight” that is needed.

- Divya Ramani

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rule of the quest physics!!

Quote Quote!!...something that i have eventually come to believe pray love (Elizabeth Gilbert) states the "rule of physics of the quest
- I have come to believe that there exists in the universe something I call 'The Physics of The Quest' -- a force of nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity or momentum.  

And the rule of Quest Physics maybe goes like this: 'If you are brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting (which can be anything from your house to your bitter old resentments) and set out on a truth-seeking journey (either externally or internally), and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared - most of all - to face (and forgive) some very difficult realities about yourself... then truth will not be withheld from you.'  Or so I've come to believe.  I can't help but believe it, given my experience."

Sunday, March 6, 2011


As seasons change so do people’s life.
Every season brings with it its own essences and magic,
The flower leaves behind its fragrance even when it’s gone,
The memories of people about the seasons last in their mind,
And so does the memories of people we love no maters were they are.
Every phase in life brings with it new colors that one must take in
Every phase with it brings new changes that one must accept.
People come and go, but for the precious few we always hold on,
Memories build up days after days, months after months,
Some are forgotten, some we let go....but there are a few that live with us and even beyond us in the minds of those whose heart we have touched.
Let us live in each season as it comes with joy
 Let us feel its magic and essences in our heart and soul
And touch as many hearts as we can before it is time to bid goodbye.
-Divya Ramani

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

psychology related movies list

1] Lars and the real girl - Delusional disorder
2] Silence of the lamb - psychological disorder
3] Rainman - Autism
4] Primal fear - psych disorder
5] As good as it gets - OCD
6] matchstick men - OCD
7] memento - Memory
8] A Beautiful mind - schizophrenia
9] Shine - schizophrenia
10] Mr Jones - Bipolar disorder
11] Call me Anna - Bi-polar disorder
12] Women under the influence - Bi-polar disorder
13] Iris - Alzheimer 's disease
14] Touching the void - theories of motivation
15] The Manchurian candidate -
16] Seven - psychological disorder
17] The Aviator - psych disorder
18] Ordinary people - Mood disorder, depression
19] The wrong man - mood disorder
20] Normal - gender identity disorder
21] Spun - drug addiction
22] Passion of mind
23] 12 angry men
24] The butterfly effect
25]Train man - social anxiety disorder
26] American psycho
27] Copy cat
28] Reign on me - PTSD
29] American history X
30] Girl Interrupted

-Divya Ramani

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gilmore Girl Book List

Gilmore Girls{GG} is one of my favourite shows and i love watching it again and again.
the best part of the show was the information of the books that were read.
so i decided to share the book list with all those who love reading books and those who are fans of GG!!
so here it goes enjoy!!
  1. 1.The Adventure of huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
  2. Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
  3. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
  4. Little Dorrit - Charles dickens
  5. A Tale Of Two city - Charles Dickens
  6. Great expectations - Charles Dickens
  7. Alice in wonderland - Lewis Carroll
  8. war and peace - Leo Tolstoy
  9. Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
  10. Macbeth - shakespear
  11. Richard 3 - shakespear
  12. The sonnets - shakespear
  13. A comedy of errors - shakespear
  14. Othello - Shakespear
  15. Romeo and Juliet - Shakespear
  16. The divine comedy - Dante
  17. Mrs Dalloway - Virginia wolf
  18. A room of ones own - Virginia wolf
  19. Rosemary's baby- Ira Levin
  20. Moby Dick - Herman Melville
  21. On the Road - Jack Kerouac
  22. The Shining - Stephen King
  23. Carrier - Stephen King
  24. Christine - Stephen king
  25. Cujo - Stephen King
  26. The portable Dorthy Parker - Dorthy Parker
  27. The Group - Mary McCarthy
  28. The outsider - S.E Hinton
  29. who's afraid of Virginia wolf - Edward Albee
  30. who moved my cheese - Spencer Johnson
  31. To kill a Mocking bird - Harper lee
  32. Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
  33. Tuesday's with Morrie - Mitch Album
  34. selected letters by Dawn Powell - Dawn Powell
  35. Complete Novel - Dawn Powell
  36. Several Biographies of Winston Churchill
  37. The fountain Head - Any Rand
  38. Girl Interupted - Susaana Kaysen
  39. High fidelity - Nick Hornsby
  40. Gone with the wind - Margaret Mitchell
  41. Franny and Zooey - J.D Salinger
  42. Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
  43. The divine secretes of ya ya sisterhood
  44. The complete poems of Emily Dickinson
  45. Emma - Jane Austen
  46. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
  47. The Crucible - Aurthur miller
  48. The grapes of wrath - John Steinbeck
  49. The Art Of fiction - Henry James
  50. Walden - Henry David Thoreau
  51. The joy Luck club - Amy Tan

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Human perceptions are varied and mixed with a lot of differences and few similarities.just accept it,except for those that are purely and truly incorrect and insignificant to your being.listen to them but don't is like eating what you like from what is served to you on the plate.

Comfort In Pain

I found comfort in pain,
People thought I was insane.
No one saw the tears drooping down from my face,as they all were busy running in some kinda race.
I was the garbage bin,in which they dumped all their sin.
Though my heart was heavy ,I didn't show.
People can judge me only if they know me very well.
I cant change myself or breakout from what i am.
there is no place ....where i cant go.
As my mind keeps moving all the time.
I remember the day when my journey began and the faces of the people i met.
I acted insane just to know them better.
I still remained young but they were getting older.
I wish i could see the world as it was, but i added my shades of colour to it.
I choose what i wanted, though for the rest it meant nothing.
But the pain and insanity kept me happy.
Away from all the unreal things. It saved my soul and kept me away from fear.
As I found comfort in pain.